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Get to know a bit more about our background and experience


What We Believe

We believe that movement can benefit everyone—physically, mentally, and emotionally. At Bright Side Pilates, we've created an inclusive, personalized setting where you can boost your endorphins, improve your strength and flexibility, enhance your coordination, and elevate your mood.

Our goal is to provide an environment where you can explore your potential at your own pace. Pilates doesn't have a "type" or ideal body; it's as universal and adaptable as movement itself. And remember, laughter is an excellent core exercise!


Marie VanKuren

Hello!  i’m so glad you are trying Pilates at the Bright Side. I am the owner, and a certified instructor at Bright Side Pilates, where movement enhances everything. Soon after my teaching journey began, I discovered the joy and challenge of customizing workouts to meet individual client needs. Soon that challenge bloomed into a passion. Every body has a story and that is where the process begins. 
I have always been in motion, but a series of discouraging injuries and surgeries had put the brakes on much of my activity. The Pilates method offered a different way to train, and before long, those limitations began to melt away. Pilates exercises can be adapted to suit an individual’s restrictions, and versatile enough to challenge even the most ambitious athlete. There is so much to learn, so much to discover and so much to share. Give it a try, you might find your passion too.


A special thank you to Tracy Janczak of the Movement FLX for encouraging me along this journey!

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